Company Irish Dance Classes

Irish dance classes and workshops focused on fun, fitness, and technique for adult dancers of all skill levels.

Open Company Class
Classes will start again May for new memebrs

This 90 minute classes focuses on skill-building, technique, and performance-focused choreography. Dancers should have basic hardshoe and softshoe skills to enjoy this class. All choreography is recorded and emailed out after class ends, so you can spend extra time with the choreography.

More ways to dance with us

Irish Dance Workshops

We offer custom in-person and online workshops. We work with Irish dance schools (competitive and non competitive) on technique and performance choreography, dancers with backgrounds in other types of movement who want exposure to Irish dance, and community and corporate groups interested in doing something different.

If you’re interested in learning about workshop opportunities, please contact us.

Kids classes

Carlye Cunniff, who directs the Seattle Irish Dance Company, offers in-person Irish dance classes for kids in the Columbia River Gorge. If you live in the gorge and are looking for Irish dance, please contact Carlye.

Columbia Gorge Ceili

If you’re interested in Irish social dance, we’ve started a monthly ceili in the Columbia Gorge. Ceili dance is fun, social, and much less technical than solo dancing. Beginners and experienced dancers are welcome, we’re here to move, have a good time, and build community. If you’re interested, hop on our newsletter to get notified about the next one.

Performance Company

The classes we offer are separate from our performance company. Classes are available to dancers of all skill levels - from the very beginning to the very advanced. Though our company members do participate in our classes, the Seattle Irish Dance company is a by-audition, professional performance company that holds in-person auditions twice a year. If you’re an Irish dancer interested in joining the performance company, but you’re a little intimated or have been out of dance for a while, our classes are a great way to brush up on your skills, gain confidence, and get used to our choreography style. Learn more about joining the company here.